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Start 2 Run: how the app got its second breath

Even the most successful apps can’t afford to rest on their laurels, and that includes Start 2 Run. Despite having millions of users, there was still room for improvement. Who Owns The Zebra stepped in to give the strategy, design, and technology an overhaul. Here’s how we did it.
The backstory
From sharing training plans via MP3 files to becoming a smash-hit app: Start 2 Run has come a long way, with a clever pit stop at Who Owns The Zebra. A few years after its launch in 2013, Start 2 Run approached us to rebuild the app and make it more future-proof. And just a few months later, we delivered.
The strategy
Our first step was to take a close look at the strategy and sharpen it up. We ran several workshops to really get to grips with what Start 2 Run users want and need.
Subscription model
The idea of one-time in-app purchases for training plans had become outdated. So, we switched to a subscription model. With the free version of Start 2 Run, you can track your runs, but coaching is only available in the paid version.
More interaction
Users were already able to personalise their coach’s motivational audio clips, but we took it further. Now, you can also chat with your coach, who’s there to encourage you and offer tips.
The design
To make the app even more user-friendly, we also gave the UX and UI design a refresh.
Components start-2-run-app Components start-2-run-app
Smartwatch start-2-run-app
The technology
On the technical side, our developers faced some hurdles. Start 2 Run was using Parse, a ‘backend as a service’ that was unfortunately discontinued. So, we dug into our toolkit to find the best solutions.
From Parse to AWS Lambda
We switched to a scalable serverless architecture, offering far more flexibility.
Improved GPS tracking
Location tracking was a pain point in the old Start 2 Run app, as the connection would sometimes drop. Now, we’ve implemented a native location engine, log more data, and use BugSnag for crash reports.
New database
Migrating over 1.5 million accounts is no small task. We handled the transition gradually: users logging into the old version were prompted to update, and their accounts and training history were seamlessly transferred.
Minimal Viable Product
Instead of releasing all the features straight away in the new version, we initially focused on the most essential aspects of Start 2 Run. This gave us enough time to fine-tune everything later on.
Treadmill integration
A later addition was the treadmill integration, developed by Energy Lab, so Start 2 Run users can also train indoors.
Facing or planning a technical challenge of your own?
Whether you’re starting from scratch or improving an existing app, Who Owns The Zebra has your back. Drop us a message, and we’ll get back to you soon to discuss the possibilities.
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