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Rapid prototyping in app and web development: here’s how we do it

Fail fast, fail forward. That’s what rapid prototyping is about. In an ideal world, we’d have plenty of time for extensive research, including user studies and analysis. However, not every project has that luxury. With rapid prototyping, we make the most of every second.
Who Owns The Zebra
What is rapid prototyping?
Rapid prototyping is creating a workable prototype of an app or website in a short amount of time. This rudimentary version serves as a sample, to gauge what users think about the product.  

A rapid prototype can consist of sketches, wireframes, mock-ups, or designs in Figma to shape an interactive experience. The goal is to develop a visual and functional concept that we can quickly test, to validate whether the app or website offers the right solution for the problem users are facing.
Why opt for rapid prototyping?
In a world where every second and every cent counts, we must be able to shift gears quickly. That’s what makes rapid prototyping indispensable.
Time saved
We identify and address potential issues early in the process. If problems were to be only discovered later on, they would require significantly more time to resolve.
This is the moment to think outside the box and find creative solutions to complex challenges. Should an idea turn out to be less effective, little time (and money) is wasted.
User focus
We can immediately seek feedback from stakeholders and users, ensuring the final product aligns perfectly with the target audience's needs.
Rapid validation
We can quickly test ideas and hypotheses, ensuring we are working on the right solution.
Here’s how we get cracking
1. Brainstorm
The more ideas, the better. We look at the digital puzzle from different angles, unravel it, and come up with a range of solutions. Bold, ambitious or simple – anything is possible. We set our priorities and establish the foundation for the prototype.
2. Design
We bring our best ideas to life through wireframes, mock-ups, or design. This helps us visualise how the app or website will function. We keep on tweaking until we’ve achieved the best version.
3. Testing
We love a second, third, fourth, … opinion, so we ask our team, the client, and potential users for feedback. We keep an open mind and appreciate everyone’s honesty.
4. Finetuning
We can quickly test ideas and hypotheses, ensuring we are working on the right solution.
5. Minimum Viable Product
We launch a simple, initial version of the app or website. We focus first on the features needed to solve the core problem, so we can deliver value straight away. Then we continue to develop the app, step by step.
What projects benefit from rapid prototyping?
Seeking funding
Trying to sell your idea to investors? A working prototype says so much more than words and slides. It gives you something tangible to present right away, so you can demonstrate that your project has real potential.
Building an audience
You've got a brilliant idea, and the funding is in place... Now it’s time to conquer the world. Rapid prototyping helps you build a fanbase by quickly delivering something that excites people.
Testing hypotheses
Not sure if you’ve found the perfect solution yet? By working with prototypes first, you can experiment all you want. Don’t worry if your idea doesn’t hold up – you can easily move forward with the feedback, learning what works and what doesn’t.
Let’s partner up
Who Owns The Zebra combines technical expertise and fresh ideas with a touch of quirkiness. Wondering how we can help your project succeed? Drop us a message! We’d love to invite you for a good chat over coffee and delicious zebra cake.
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