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NowJobs Captures Attention with an
8-Bit Game

NowJobs, a digital platform connecting flexible workers with employers, faced a unique challenge at the Horecabeurs in Ghent. Their goal? Attract as many visitors as possible to their booth. However, the typical strategy of offering free food or drinks felt overdone. They wanted something different, something more fun.
The challenge
Standing out at the Horecabeurs in Ghent.
The objective was clear: create a unique and engaging digital experience that would grab visitors' attention and give their sales team the opportunity to connect with them. The only guideline? Carte blanche to think outside the box.
Our approach
Turning simplicity into engagement.
With limited time and no budget for extensive research or ideation sessions, we went back to basics—a classic team brainstorming session. In no time, we landed on a simple yet creative idea: an 8-bit game. The concept? A waiter catching food and drinks falling from the sky to score points.The game had to be easy to understand, require no learning curve, and be entertaining enough to stop people in their tracks.

No controllers needed

To make it truly unique, our iOS developer came up with the idea to connect an Apple TV to an iPad, using the iPad's motion sensors as the controller. This added an extra layer of fun and accessibility—visitors could jump straight in without complicated instructions.
iPad Controller NowJobs Game
A retro diner twist
Once the concept was approved, it was time to bring it to life with eye-catching design. We styled the game as an “American Diner”, complete with playful details. Your streak in catching the food and drinks was rewarded by increasing points, catching a timer added bonus time, and grabbing the NowJobs logo brought a team of helpers to assist—just like in real life.

This mix of nostalgic visuals, humor, and intuitive gameplay turned the game into an instant hit.
Components NowJobs Game
The result
A Booth People Couldn’t Ignore.
The game became the centerpiece of NowJobs’ booth, drawing in crowds of all ages. From curious kids to seasoned professionals, everyone wanted to give it a try. Not only did it create buzz, but it also allowed NowJobs’ sales team to effortlessly start conversations with visitors.
Key takeaways
Simplicity wins
A simple idea executed well can have a big impact.
Interactive Experiences Attract Attention
The game engaged people emotionally, making them more receptive to NowJobs’ message.
Innovation Without a Big Budget
Creative problem-solving and leveraging existing tech can deliver impressive results.
Want to elevate your event presence like NowJobs?
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Amelia Earhartlaan 2 bus 401
9051 Ghent
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